New year, new projects!

We daily work hard on the development of new products, improvement of our packagings and evolution of our communications tools, while maintaining a flawless product’s quality, a tailored customer service and competitive rates.
For this new year, we commit ourselves on new projects such as:
- In order to satisfy food lovers, an expansion of the American Style range with our new spicy breaded products to make you drool over,
- For the international customers, a development of our growth at export and the addition of new languages on our packagings.
- A bigger presence, on the web, through the press or even on international fairs. This year, we will participate to the Sandwich & Snack Show the 30 and 31 march and at the SIAL as well from the 15th to the 19th October: Two great opportunities to meet you! Save the date!
A continuous improvement of our products’s quality

Today, the nutritional quality of the food represents one of the most important issues of the public’s health. Besides offering more and more innovative products, the quality of our products is still as a central priority for us. Because your requirements are ours !
Volatys, is always looking for qualitative and premium products and wants to make evolve its recipes in terms of quality. Today, more than 50% of our product’s range are ranked nutri score A or B.
A specific placing on a pallet for a better customer satisfaction!
The satisfaction comes from the quality of our services. Volatys commits to implement everything in order to deliver your products in due form.
Important to know: For the deliveries to your place of full pallet mixed products, we put some corner pieces on pallets to protect angles against impacts and provide a safety transport. We can also put dividers, on request, in order to secure the protection of our products, separate the pallet’s layers and stabilize loads.

As a reminder, in 2021, we have invested in better equipment, which allowed us to win efficiency but also to maintain the health of our co-worker.
Flexibility, reactivity and efficiency are the keywords of our logistic team!
Premium chicken nuggets, new recipe !

Minute info !
Did you know that the nuggets has been marketed for the first time in 1980 ? 42 years later, this unmissable chicken product is still here and our will definitively addict you!
Please do not hesitate to contact our commercial team to forecast your 2022’s order!